Giftwink Review

Review: Gift Wink

I am that person who looks up the day before a birthday and thinks “oh poop, I’d better get to a shop…” I forgetting birthdays was an Olympic sport, I would have a gold medal. This year I managed to send my niece a birthday card that arrived on the Read more…

disney book week jungle book

Celebrating Disney Book Week

We love being Parragon Book Buddies, and this month S was really excited to see two fantastic Disney titles come through the door. To celebrate Disney Book Week and the release of more than 20 Disney hardback books, we were sent Jungle Book and Frozen. As you can see, S was Read more…

Are you an introvert?

Are You an Introvert?

I am an introvert. I didn’t realise there was such a thing – or that I was one – until fairly recently. When I figured it out, suddenly everything fell into place.  I’m sharing this because I feel like learning these things about ourselves can help us in many different Read more…

Review: Schleich Wild Life Sets

From 2016 onwards, toy manufacturer Schleich is dividing its themed play world Wild Life into four habitats: Safari, Ice & Ocean, Jungle and Forest. The Safari and Ice & Ocean play worlds in particular will be expanded with plenty of new products in 2016. I’ve heard a lot about Schleich Read more…