The other day I had a meeting about something completely unrelated to my writing or this blog. Over the course of the meeting though, I did mention the blog. Afterwards the person I had been speaking to saw a link to my blog in my email signature, and decided to take a look. Then he called me up to say he’d had a look at the blog, and it was good. Better than he expected, in fact. There is, apparently, a lot of interesting stuff on here.
Of course, I was glad he liked my blog; it was nice that he took the time to tell me he liked it and appreciated the content. But it does beg the question: what was he expecting?
This was not the first time something like this had happened, either.Quite often, people express surprise that there’s anything even remotely readable on this blog.
Blogging seems to have exploded in recent years. More and more people seem to have decided to start a blog, about parenting or otherwise. I’ve written before about how people seem to think blogs exist purely to get free stuff. There do seem to be a lot of bloggers out there for whom this is the case. There are those who set up a blog specifically for reviews; they call it a review blog, it reviews products and services, and everything is peachy. There are others who seem to set up a blog in order to get free stuff, and make the bare minimum of posts outside of that; they’re not presenting themselves as a review blog, but they really want all of that free junk.
On the whole, parent bloggers seem to have a bad name. More than just “ugh, a blog full of photos of your kid; no thanks.” People seem to just expect our blogs to be full of absolute crap. They’re surprised when there’s actually something on there they might like to read.
Don’t get me wrong; unlike the lady I met at Brit Mums this year who exclaimed in disgust, “there are so many new bloggers these days, I can’t keep up” I think it’s great that more people are blogging. For the first time in history, we all have the opportunity to express our views and opinions, and share them with the world. Anyone with an internet connection can voice their opinions (even if they lack a basic grasp of the English language, but that’s another post for another day). It’s also a fantastic way of recording things that go on in our day to day lives. I think that’s great; I deny nobody the right to set up their own blog, and go for it. In fact, I’ve actively encouraged several people to take this up.
Re-read that paragraph, though. I think blogging is great for expressing an opinion or recording our lives. Not for hawking random crap in exchange for a couple of quid. Not for reviewing and giving away more random crap.
This is where I risk being slightly hypocritical. I accept sponsored posts, and I review products too. I try really hard though, to make these the minority posts on my blog. I rarely have a sponsored post as the main content on my blog on any given day – unless I’m in a situation where I’ve hit a deadline, and I don’t have the time or inspiration to write a “proper” post.
I have a real issue with this “filler” content: sponsored posts, reviews, giveaways, crap. Yes, some people make an effort to hide the “sponsored” aspect of a post, or they write a whole post about all the different ways their offspring played with the free plastic tat they were sent. Still though, I consider it to be filler. Because if that company hadn’t offered you money or free crap, the post wouldn’t be there.
A quick look at the top 10 in the Tots100 tells an interesting story. I am a geek who loves statistics, so I had a quick look at the front pages of the most popular blogs in the UK. These are the blogs at the top of their game; the people who arguably are some of the most influential when it comes to family life and parenting. The face of parent blogging in the UK, if you will.
Now, it’s hard to compare one front page with another since, although we are all parent bloggers, we all do our thing slightly differently. Some have twenty posts on their front page; others have as few as three. To sit and look at all of them though, was a bit depressing. At the time of writing, the blog at number one has not a single sponsored post on their front page. The other nine though… wow. Since all have a different number of posts on their front page, it’s pointless giving numbers. Percentages though, can be very revealing. The total percentage of filler posts on front pages is 39%. Some of the most popular, influential parenting blogs in the UK have as much as 86% filler on their front pages.
Am I alone in thinking this is a bit wrong? Am I the only person who thinks our blogs should stand for more than an open declaration that our voices are for sale? I’ve had so many PRs contact me, offering pitiful amounts for sponsored posts – or even just the promise of my post being shared on their social media channels. When I question them on such a paltry budget, I am often greeted with “well, all of the other bloggers I’ve worked with are very satisfied.” Just last week, a representative from a globally well-known company told me I should be happy to write a post advertising them, and to be compensated by having a link to my blog shared on their Facebook. If I normally charge £50 for a sponsored post, then by writing that post I would have effectively been paying that company £50 to share my links. That sounds a little different, doesn’t it.
By accepting £20 for a post, and being grateful that a company should share our “sponsored” content on their social media, we belittle all parent bloggers – not just ourselves. We perpetuate the view that parent bloggers are not worth proper payment, that bloggers are just out for what they can get, and that page clicks and rankings are all that matter.
Far be it from me to tell anyone how to write their blogs; each to his own, and all of that. But seriously, can’t we all just make a bit more effort, than just plonking on sponsored post, after half-arsed review, after more sponsored content, badges and adverts in our side bars and long-term agreements to spout crap about one brand or another?
As I mentioned above, I accept sponsored posts. And I review items. Sometimes, if I’m really impressed with a book or a product, I’ll post a review of it even if (gasp!) I actually paid for it in the first place. Like a lot of bloggers, I am not in a position to turn down an opportunity for paid content if and when it arises. And sometimes, I am a bit slack in keeping up with my blogging, and find that I need to post two or three reviews or sponsored posts in a week. Doing that doesn’t sit well with me though. I love my blog, and I really don’t want it to become something filled with… filler. I really try my best to ensure the filler content fills very small gaps between good quality, well written content. You may well disagree as to the quality of the posts on my blog but I would hope you’re unable to find a time when I’ve had mostly filler content on my front page.

Hannah Budding Smiles · 03/11/2014 at 08:32
I do share your feelings here. Yes, I’m currently running a giveaway, bur it’s part of my brand ambassadorship for a company I genuinely love and I generally shy away from them otherwise. I’m fussy about what I review and I’ve decided not to do sponsored posts because I’m setting up a separate freelance website. My blog is my words and if that means I never ‘make it’ in the blogging world then so be it! Love the nut about lacking a basic grasp of the English language, if I had my way the Internet would be covered in my red pen of corrections!
Hannah Budding Smiles · 03/11/2014 at 08:32
I do share your feelings here. Yes, I’m currently running a giveaway, bur it’s part of my brand ambassadorship for a company I genuinely love and I generally shy away from them otherwise. I’m fussy about what I review and I’ve decided not to do sponsored posts because I’m setting up a separate freelance website. My blog is my words and if that means I never ‘make it’ in the blogging world then so be it! Love the nut about lacking a basic grasp of the English language, if I had my way the Internet would be covered in my red pen of corrections!
Annie · 03/11/2014 at 10:29
Great post. I completely agree with you. The internet and blogging means everyone can have their say but do they actually have something to say?
Self-publishing has given a golden opportunity to all but if only it could be monitored to remove the chaff from the wheat.
I have written an article/blog on the issue of Mums and Dads dating , please give me your
comments if you will “
Leigh - Headspace Perspective · 03/11/2014 at 14:04
Great post, Vicky. I agree with much of what you say. When I entered the parenting blogging world, blogging about Hugo, I had no idea how much of it centres around sponsored posts and the like. Each to their own, no judging – I know it gives some parents the opportunity to do things they may not be able to afford otherwise. It’s just not my bag. Your blog is your voice, and while ‘freebies’ or being otherwise financially compensated for a post can be a bonus, that shouldn’t be at the expense of diluting your voice. IMHO, too many sponsored posts can detract from the point of blogging, and its potential to inform, provoke thought, debate – as well as entertain. It should be about the pleasure of writing, too – agree with you on spelling and grammar! xxx
Caro · 03/11/2014 at 14:36
SUCH a great post! As I said to you on Twitter my little blog is just for me and my family. If other’s stumble across it and like what I’ve written then that’s a bonus.
I’ve written posts about products I like, in the past, because I like them. The thought of PR agencies — or companies — sending me things that have no relevance to me or, worse, things I don’t genuinely like, for me to review them (in a positive light) is a horrible thought. It would take the joy out of blogging for me. And turn it into a soulless chore, rather than something I do because I want to.
Sad that some blogs appear to be just that.
Sadder still are the blogs when all the images of the bloggers ‘real life’ are totally staged. Matching kids, magazine style house, styled food, etc…
Often it gives ‘real’ people like me totally the wrong impression. Instead of feeling impressed, I’m left feeling that they should be living life, instead of having to do everything for show. I might be totally wrong, but that’s how it seems.
Well done again on a great, thought provoking, piece.
Tim · 03/11/2014 at 15:41
I’m in 100% agreement with you, Vicky. In fact, I follow relatively few of the top blogs in large part because their content is so review/sponsor-heavy. Each to their own, of course, and I appreciate that many of those top bloggers are (a) good writers in their own right and (b) in many cases making a living (or at least a decent income) from blogging, but personally I do find blogs where more than, say, 1 post in 3 is ‘commercial’ quite off-putting. They’re just not my bag.
Like you, I’m not immune. I do occasional reviews and sponsored posts, but I make a point of doing no more than one or two a month – in the past 12 months across my two main blogs I think I’ve done a total of nine reviews or sponsored posts, all carefully filtered for being a natural fit with my content – and have politely declined at least 8-10 times that number.
Ultimately I want my blog to be something that I’m proud of. For some people that means making a living, but for me my objectives remain about wanting to look back in the future and (a) remember stuff that we’ve done as a family and (b) be proud of my ideas and the quality of my writing. Everything else is secondary.
Tim · 03/11/2014 at 15:42
Blimey. I’ve just re-read my comment and I do sound awfully pompous and soapbox-y, don’t I? Ah well.
Emma T · 03/11/2014 at 16:45
I always try and think about what I want to read on other blogs. Like you I don’t want to read a blog full of reviews and sponsored posts, especially not badly worded, boring and obviously not written by the blog owner (unless it’s a relevant guest post blogger which is slightly different). Over the summer, someone I’d class as a blogging friend had review after review after competition come through on my email subscription. I only read one post in about 3 weeks as it was just getting tedious, and there’s only so much I want to read about another toy. I debated feeding back, but it’s not really any of my business. I don’t mind the occasional one, especially if they’re well written and relevant to the blog – or if they make me think about something I’d like to read or discover.
I do accept sponsored posts (for a fee – and not the pittance that some offer – luckily my blog is my hobby and not my main source of income so I can be choosy who I work with), I do run competitions (for things I will find interesting or my readers will) and do reviews. The unfortunately thing is that often they are like buses and then I have to try and spread them out. I do include one on a day, as I don’t have the time to always have a ‘personal’ post scheduled or written on the same day.
It’s hard to know one some blogs when a post is sponsored sometimes. I wrote about our swimming lessons before I blogged for them, but apart from agreeing to write a post just about every week about something around swimming, I have no other brief. Chances are I’d written about them anyway, but maybe they’re more interesting and more informative than they might have been without working with them and just recording our experience.
Definitely a hard one to know what’s right for you and your blog….and what your readers want.
The blogs that are reviews only though, I will not read. No point, unless I’ve specifically searched for a review on an item. I personally have found that generally these review only blogs aren’t as well written as more personal blogs anyway, and I can’t abide poor grammar, spelling, centralised formatting etc etc.
Morgan Prince · 03/11/2014 at 20:07
What a great post! I totally agree with you. I review some products, some I have actually bought and then reviewed. But yes there are a few blogs out there that do this a lot.
Really love your write up! I am totally pinning this post!
Carin · 03/11/2014 at 20:13
I’ve only just started using affiliate links on my blog after blogging for 5 years, and agonised over it for ages. I like affiliates since it means I choose the products or services I like. I’m not sure I’ll do sponsored stuff, unless it’s something I adore. I don’t follow a number of big blogs because it seems they’re all about the stuff. Having said that I love the opportunities that come from it now that I have started working out how to do it in a way that’s authentic to me and who I am.
Clare Nicholas · 03/11/2014 at 20:14
I’m in agreement too. Although my blogs focus has changed over the years and it is now my income so does hold sponsored content and reviews too, but I have seen way too many blogs pop up recently just to review and get ‘free’ stuff.
clare nicholas · 03/11/2014 at 23:29
To be clear – I was agreeing with this “By accepting £20 for a post, and being grateful that a company should share our “sponsored” content on their social media, we belittle all parent bloggers – not just ourselves”
Each to their own though – it is totally up to the blogger themselves what they want to write, and if someone doesn’t like it then they shouldn’t read. My reviews take hours to write, longer than many of my personal posts!
Mumtoamonster · 03/11/2014 at 20:32
As a relatively new blogger I haven’t done a sponsored post. I have done a few reviews but there are not the purpose of the blog. I started it to help my PND and now I just write what I think of .
I must admit there are certain blogs that I don’t like because the main posts are sponsored
Sally · 03/11/2014 at 20:41
Hmm. You know, I’m with you up until the point where you say what other blogs “should” be. As anyone who knows me will attest, I’m not a big fan of using “should” or “shouldn’t” in the context of blogging. In my book? If a blog makes you happy, you’re doing it right. End of story.
The skill that many “top” bloggers have is in making content compelling and incorporating brand partnerships into a site that is still entertaining for readers. I don’t think I’d consider anything on a site like Edspire to be filler – Jennie’s story is powerful and compelling and deeply moving. Similarly, I think A Mummy Too’s photography and recipes are just WOW level breath-taking, and I would kill kittens to be able to make my lifestyle look as effortlessly stylish and beautiful as Fritha at Tigerlilly Quinn. Charlotte at Write Like No-one’s Watching is a fantastic writer who can be hilarious and touching in the same breath.
Of course, it’s all about personal preferences, and those sites may well not publish the sort of content you care to read. Maybe you prefer blogs that are less about products and brand-partnered experiences, and more about personal stories and family memories. That’s cool – I love those sorts of blogs, too. I’m less keen on craft blogs and cooking blogs because – heck – I can’t do either of those things to save my life and spending too long looking at people who can makes me cranky. But that’s not to say I blog better than those people, or they shouldn’t do what they’re doing.
I suspect what you’re getting at is that blogs which focus almost exclusively on reviews and sponsored content are somehow not as “good” or “authentic” as other blogs, and I think that’s a common point of view. Actually, I was interviewed by a reporter about this question only this week and I said to her – these are different blogs, with different audiences, different goals and different measures of success. Where one blogger might consider a complete family history to be the pinnacle of success, another blogger might be angling for a book deal, or a TV presenting gig, and still another blogger might consider making enough money each month to stay home with their children to be success.
I say let’s celebrate all of these bloggers and support them in achieving their own vision of success. We might not necessarily want to be a part of all of those blogs, or read them all, but I’d like to think we can raise a glass and wish everyone luck on their own personal journey, as I raise a glass and wish you every success on yours.
(Sorry for the essay. That all sounded way shorter in my head)
Emma T · 03/11/2014 at 22:07
Glad I’m not the only one who ends up writing more than they initially imagine, Sally!
Very much agree. That’s the joy of blogging, there’s variety, and it’s all about what the blog owner wants for their blog and what works for them. And about choice of what we want to read in others’ blogs.
Kara · 04/11/2014 at 07:22
Well said Sally, you wrote down exactly what i wanted to say only far more eloquently!!
I blog because I love it, its my online diary, a memory box for the children. It is also more only source of income which allows me to stay at home with my children and be the mum I have always wanted to be…….yes we get opportunities that we would never have been able to do before and for that I am forever grateful!
There is no right and wrong way to blog and I hate people telling others they are doing it wrong………blog for yourself and not for the stats and you will be happy!
Emilyandindiana · 03/11/2014 at 22:39
This is a great post. I don’t do sponsered posts as that’s just not why I started my blog. I don’t really read others as they just don’t interest me, I much prefer reading personal posts and something that will really capture my attention xx
Leslie Rickerby · 03/11/2014 at 23:36
What a brilliant post. I’ve done one review post on my blog and ran a competition on it and im not gunna lie, it gave my figures quite a boost, but since then I’ve been really considering how I want my blog to work.
I’m currently working in a redesign and been toying with the idea of doing more filler stuff, but as my husband so rightly pointed out, thats not me. I’m not bolshy enough to just ask for stuff for free and honestly I dont think I want to be. My blog is for me and my family and whilst having a gazillion hits a day would be nice, im just happy that my friends read it and enjoy it.
I’m not saying I won’t ever do reviews but I will be picky and I certainly wont chase them.
Thanks fors sharing. Very enjoyable post.
Candace · 04/11/2014 at 00:32
Really agree with you. I don’t like personally reading blogs that are review after review. I like to read personal stories that give insight and inspiration.
I think like most bloggers I carry reviews but I don’t want my blog to be all reviews and have turned down items when I have had a quite a few to write about; I personally like to space them out and don’t like doing more than say 1 review to 3 personal posts but I know I don’t always achieve that when I’ve agreed to a review and then life takes over and I’m not blogging as much as a like.
Lisa from Lisa's Life · 04/11/2014 at 19:25
Well said that woman :)
I’ve started accepting sponsored content as my ill health means I can’t work a ‘proper’ job full time and the pocket money it brings goes toward the dogs vet fees, but, like others have said, it has to be relevant content…same with review products.
It does seem that some PRs don’t care in what context their content is presented though at times. For weeks I’ve been e-mailed by a person wanting to me to include a press release about cat litter. My blog is ‘one girl and her dog’, not gonna work is it?! I usually re-write sponsored content too; just last week I got sent a “professionally written article” that had apostrophes for plurals!
I did roll my eyes the other week on Twitter or maybe Facebook, when someone, in all seriousness, asked how does someone start a blog and who should she e-mail to get sent stuff to review. I wish I was joking.
Well you certainly got us talking ;)
Michelle Twin Mum · 04/11/2014 at 21:27
I think Sally actually wrote my comment as I totally agree with what she said. I read your post and then had to check out who is in the top 10 currently and it is long term bloggers with serious skill in the main and yes they might work with brands and review things but in an interesting way and obvioulsy one that attracts a strong and engaged readership or they would not make it to the top of the TOTs. I don’t think that not having any sponsored content makes your blog any better. There are good and bad blogs on both sides of the fench. Live and let live I say and if something is not to my liking then my stance is to click away and not read it. Mich x
Louise Perry Fairweather · 04/11/2014 at 23:18
You have raised some interesting points. I think that a lot of parent bloggers use their blog as an income so if they get “free” stuff and sponsored posts that is fine, people don’t have to read it. They should realise their worth and learn to turn things down. I hate seeing a pre schooler reviewing toddler toys for example. I also wish people would say the truth. I have really lost faith in a blogger after reading a review of an event that I also attended. I know that not paying for something can skew your opinion but if I had pad over £100 to attend the same thing on her positive review I would have been mortified. However, reviews do well in search engine traffic and dare I say that sometimes I would rather read about a toy review than something funny that a kid did. I think a lot of bloggers use linkys as fillers too and that is just as bad in my opinion. Blog rankings should really be taken with a pinch of salt. Most definitely some of the best writers are not even in the Top 100. I think that all the bloggers that are high in the rankings work extremely hard on their blogs and people must like them in order for them to continue to stay high in the rankings. We all like different things I guess.
jenny · 05/11/2014 at 21:21
i am the same I often wonder what people expect to find when they tell me they looked up my blog and actually liked it. I then think gosh they don’t think very highly of me do they? lol Always great to hear your blog is great. Good for you. I agree on your filler killer theory while I do take sponsored post and/or paid reviews this is not why I started blogging and I try to only do one a week on top of my other personal own 7 or 8 posts. I don’t want that to be my focus. I wrote my blog as I am an expat it was a great way for my family and friends to stay in touch with our lives abroad and just a way for me to make friends and being a first time mom that seems to go hand in hand. I laugh when pr companies ask me to post for £20 and then act like I should be grateful. It’s bad isn’t it? Thanks for linking up to Share WIth Me #sharewithme
Angeline Brunel · 08/11/2014 at 08:31
I agree that it is about recording things – i lost my father 7 weeks ago and in my grief, I wish that he had a diary of some sort because I am hungry for information about him. I know that in his generation they just didnt but I only wish I could know more about his life and how he viewed parenting and us kids as individuals. To the person who wasn’t too fussed about new bloggers, what right do they have to think that they have any kind of status over another person? Thats just not fair . WE all have our reasons for blogging and no one should judge those reasons. great post and thought provoking as always :)
Aoife · 08/11/2014 at 17:33
All of what you have said is so true. I have started my blog recently enough and started reading blogs at the same time. Any ‘free giveaway’ posts or similar to the like, I just disregarded straight away! I didn’t even know you could earn money by blogging until recently. I just prefer substance. I like reading a quality post, not being bombarded with ‘filler’ as you say.
Looking for Blue Sky · 10/11/2014 at 18:50
Gosh, I don’t even have a “front page”! In fact I don’t particularly like it on a blog, it just smacks of a desperate need to increase clicks. Though just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s not perfectly okay: I don’t mind what people do with their blogs. If there are too many filler posts, I will just stop reading. But yes, I do them myself too. However I think you make a good point about us all being tarred with the same brush….
Adrian · 21/11/2014 at 17:48
This is really interesting for me as a new blogger and someone who loves writing for its own sake. I want people to read my blog but i don’t see it as ever being a way to make income. If it ever led to some paid writing work that’s great. But in that sense I see it as a showcase. First and foremost however I want it to be something i look back on and see my parenting journey. Somewhere between a journal and a’thought box’ (different to a soap box).
That doesn’t mean I don’t respect people who do sponsored posts. In fact I am in awe of the ‘power bloggers’ out there.
But what you say resonates. And perhaps it is time to get back to what blogging was about back in the early days? Or at least working with brands in a way that doesn’t sell your readers short. *sits down and waits for backlash*
Lisa (mummascribbles) · 21/11/2014 at 17:53
Completely agree with you. I’m pretty new to blogging and so I’m too small to be contacted about reviews or sponsored posts but there are some bloggers that I follow and it’s sponsored post after sponsored post. When I get to the bottom and it says ‘this post was in conjunction with’ I sigh! I understand that its income for people but when every post you are reading is there because they’ve been paid to do it, I don’t find it compulsive reading. I love a real blog post and I love writing my own. I’d much rather I got more visitors through peiple liking my writing than because I’ve got a giveaway! Keep doing what you’re doing :)
Joanna @mumbalance · 22/11/2014 at 20:45
I’m new to blogging and did not have any experiences with PR, but my gut feeling is that I would be cautious. I don’t read reviews on other blogs. I specifically avoid them. They’re of no interest to me.
I have so much stuff I don’t know where to put it so I really don’t need someone telling me what to buy. Especially when it comes to toys. Little F likes nothing better than a stick (outdoors) or pots, pans and Tupperware (at home). He has lots of toys passed on from his older cousins, but the biggest fun he has with them is strewing them around the room. The rest of the day they are just left there.
Ally Cragg · 03/12/2014 at 08:50
Hi, Read found this is in the Single Parent thread. Its an interesting blog to read, especially from a new blogger who does do a lot of reviews (no sponsored posts). But I agree with you, it does become too much at times. While I have a lot of reviews (I always make sure the reviews I do are something I would use anyway and fit into my personal life, not just for review purposes), I do also have a lot of personal posts about my baby boy and my mental health, so I try to use my reviews to balance out the quite so often negativity from my mental health posts. Whether I get the balance right or not, I don’t know. I’d be happy for people to point out if it wasn’t though because I do agree with your point of review blogs giving parenting blogs a bad name. So please feel free to point out if you ever feel I do too many reviews! Although not before Christmas, I’m doing bulk reviews to get rid of everything before new year! Lol x
Caro · 06/01/2015 at 09:12
I know I’m late to this post, but I couldn’t agree more. As of this month, I’ve been blogging (across several sites) for nine years and in that time I’ve never posted a paid for review or sponsored post. The money I’ve made from blogging has come from projects that were commissioned as a result of my blog, not on my blog. I’m not claiming my blog to be “better” because of this, or that it’s what everyone should do. And It’s not that I think it’s wrong to post any of this type of content – I do read relevant reviews and the like, and I understand it’s a major income source for some. But like you I really think it needs to be the minority, and strictly relevant, if the site is actually a blog.
I frequently feel sad at the apparent demise of “personal” blogging – sharing your thoughts and opinions or just your life. Because really, that is the unique opportunity that blogging still offers. Review sites can, and did, exist without blogs. The chance for anyone to publish their innermost thoughts does not. I almost feel as though a lot of bloggers can’t see that this platform, (and it’s entire audience, which is after all what marketers want to tap in to) is in danger of being taken advantage of. Some bloggers have become nothing more than cheap advertising labour. We ought to celebrate the freedom of expression it gives us, and not hand it away so easily.
It is definitely each to their own and this is clearly another benefit of blogging. However that said, blogs will always be seen as a collective, and so the behaviour of some will potentially affect others too.
Vicky Charles · 06/01/2015 at 10:39
Wow Caro, 9 years! I love blogs and blogging, and I think it’s a great way for us to record our lives and thoughts.
With some blogs I feel like they’ve become popular through posting general day to day interest pieces, but then been offered lots of reviews and sponsored posts, and ended up just doing those instead. It doesn’t sit well with me, but each to their own I suppose. I did get a bit of backlash from this post which upset me – but if everyone agreed on everything, life would be pretty boring!
Tin Box Traveller · 10/01/2015 at 14:23
I think you’re right, there’s a lot of people out there that believe blogging is an easy way to earn a quick buck or bag free stuff. However, I doubt these people hang around very long as if you are doing it for anything other than the love of writing and sharing your views then it can’t be much fun. I’d like to be approached more by companies wanting to work for me, but I’m also happy just to keep blogging for myself and whoever I can coax into reading my stuff :) #FlashbackFriday
Michelle Murray · 14/01/2015 at 12:40
I would still class myself as a fairly new blogger (almost a year eek!) and I really enjoyed reading this. I love everything about my blog and I am really happy with it including the dips and turns its taken over the past twelve months. At first I was so worried about stats and all that side of it but then realised I was doing it for me and my monkeys so it my stats fall one month – who cares? I do however love hosting competitions not to fill my blog because I have comped myself for 16 years and love it so its something I enjoy. #FlashbackFriday