

I’ve written a couple of posts showing what a day in my life looks like before. I thought it might be fun to show what other people’s days look like too, so I’ve decided to open this up to guest posts.


Would you like to write a guest post about how your day goes? You don’t need to be a blogger to take part – just fill in the form below and I will get back to you.


I like the idea of documenting how all of our lives work – not just the polished bits we see on each other’s blogs or social media, but the day to day minutiae of getting ready for work/school/nursery, fitting in housework and suchlike. Even if you think your life is boring and you couldn’t possibly have anything to add to the discussion, you never know – somebody else might find it really interesting!


Vicky Charles

Vicky is a single mother, writer and card reader.

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