Brit Mums Live!


I’m off to Brit Mums Live later this month, so I thought I’d join in with the meme/linky that people seem to be doing at the moment.


Name: Vicky

Blog: Single Moher Ahoy

Twitter ID: @SingleMAhoy

Height: er… I think about 5’3″

Hair: Blonde, now that I’ve done my roots!

Eyes – usually obscured by glasses

Is this your first blogging conference? – No, I came to Brit Mums last year and will be attending Blog Camp later this week

Are you attending both days? – assuming I can sort accommodation, yes!

What are you most looking forward to? – That buzzy feeling you get when you’ve met loads of amazing bloggers, seen loads of talks and written endles notes, and you feel all inspired to go home and write amazing blog posts!

What are you wearing? – whatever is clean and doesn’t make me look fat.

What do you hope to gain from BritMums Live 2015? – Lots of useful tips and inspiration for my blog.

Do you have any tips to pass on to others who may not have been before? – Yes, lots:

  • Bring a big hand bag for all the random freebies you’ll be given – and make sure there is space in your overnight bag for them. The tube station at Aldgate is made entirely of stairs, and it’s not much fun trying to negotiate them with a suitcase plus goodie bag plus other bits and bobs you’ve acquired!
  • Get some business cards made up. Lots of the brands will have competitions that involve you leaving a card with them – plus you’ll want to hand them out to all the fabulous new contacts you make
  • Bring a bottle of water and some snacks – there are refreshment tables, and jugs of water on tables in the rooms but last year the jugs ran out fairly quickly, and you won’t want to waste precious time hanging about the refreshments table with a glass in your hand.
  • If it’s your first time, brace yourself to turn a corner into the Brewery and find approximately eleventy billion bloggers, all pointing at each other and squealing. I was completely unprepared last year for the sheer volume of people, and it threw me!
  • It can be really scary, but just smile and say hi to people. Most of them will be friendly and welcoming.
  • Try to wear something to allow people to clearly see who you are. Jen from Mum in the Mad House has a necklace of her blog logo; others had hats and t shirts. Sometimes it’s hard to recognise someone’s facial features from a tiny Twitter avatar so make it as obvious as possible if you want people to talk to you!

Oh, and PS: although the picture above is indeed of me, there is no chance of my actually looking like that on the day. If you’re looking out for me at BritMums Live, look for this face and you’re more likely to spot me…

Single Mother Ahoy


Vicky Charles

Vicky is a single mother, writer and card reader.


Tim · 02/06/2015 at 09:53

Great tips, Vicky. Hopefully we’ll have a chance to connect over the two days. I’m a little concerned about finding it all a bit overwhelming but still really looking forward to it. I’m hoping that I won’t be too difficult to spot in the crowd – I can’t imagine there’ll be too many Oriental male bloggers present … :-)

    Vicky Charles · 03/06/2015 at 22:18

    haha Tim I would laugh so hard if we got there and there were 50 Oriental, male bloggers there.
    For me, I was a bit blase about meeting people, I figured I would recognise them and bump into them etc – but there are so many people and so many of us look nothing like our profile pictures! I wasn’t prepared for quite so many people all chatting really loudly in one place!

Natasha · 04/06/2015 at 15:24

Look forward to meeting you at Brit Mums this year! I’ll be the super nervous one in the corner, staring into my coffee cup!! Not looking forward to the walk in bit…may need to find a friend before I get there!!

Love what you’re wearing *something that won’t make me look fat* I’ve been thinking the same thing!!

    Vicky Charles · 04/06/2015 at 17:20

    haha it’s a bit nerve wracking but people are mostly friendly!

Amanda · 08/06/2015 at 14:53

Really hoping I have chance to bump into you and say a proper hello this year :)

    Vicky Charles · 08/06/2015 at 17:07

    Me too! I think I got a bit crowd blind last year – I was totally unprepared for that many people!

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