This book is about a woman named Alice who falls at the gym and hits her head. She’s knocked unconscious, and when she comes to she has lost ten years of her life. She thinks she’s 29 and pregnant… but she’s 39, and not pregnant. And she doesn’t recognise any of the people around her, or the gym she’s in – or why she would be in a gym, when she hates to exercise.
At first I thought “how can you spin this out into a whole book? Surely she wakes up the next day and has her memory back…” but no. She ends up thrust back into a life she doesn’t recognise. She still lives in the same house… but it’s nothing like she remembers. In fact, nothing is how she remembers it: her relationships with her husband and her sister, seemingly her mother’s entire personality, her neighbours… The book follows Alice as she fumbles and stumbles about in her life, getting to know the people around her, as well as the person she has become in the last ten years.
The book is written mostly from Alice’s perspective, but there are also sections written as if by her sister, and others extracts from her grandmother’s blog. It’s really cleverly put together and a delight to read.
I had not read a book by Liane Moriarty before but reading this has made me want to buy everything else she’s ever published. It’s one of those rare books that has had me going to bed early to read, and switching the lamp off later and later. More than once I found myself awake in the middle of the night (woken by S kicking me or noise outside) and thinking “I’ll just read a chapter of that book…” and ended up awake for several hours!
I would definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for a brilliant read that will make them think.
Thanks for reading.
You can read my other book reviews here.

Catherine @ Story Snug · 11/01/2016 at 09:18
I always like the sound of books that you can’t put down and this one sounds fascinating, will definitely look out for it. Thank you for the recommendation :)
Sarah Doyle - let them be small · 11/01/2016 at 10:35
Sounds like an interesting read. I’ve got a few on my ‘to read list’ so I’m not sure when I’ll get round to them all!
Vicky Charles · 11/01/2016 at 10:46
Ha Sarah me too, I’ve stacks and stacks of books to read!
Rachel Bustin · 11/01/2016 at 10:36
That really does look like a great book. I have never heard of Liane Moriarty before either. One for my To-Read list! xx
Vicky Charles · 11/01/2016 at 10:44
It’s definitely worth a read; really good.
Renee · 11/01/2016 at 11:52
What Alice Forgot was my introduction to Liane Moriarty too. I since devoured everything she’s ever written and have placed her at the top of my favorite author list. The Husbands Secret is great and my favorite is Big Little Lies.
chantelle hazelden · 11/01/2016 at 13:51
Sign of a good book when you can’t put it down!! Thanks for sharing with #ReadWithMe
Anita Cleare (@thinking_parent) · 11/01/2016 at 15:06
Thanks for the recommendation! #readwithme
Erica Price · 12/01/2016 at 10:21
It sounds like an intriguing concept. Has already got me thinking.
Helen at Casa Costello · 19/01/2016 at 11:31
I’m hearing so much about Liane Moriarty – She’s definitely on my list for this year. The blurb of this sounds slightly similar to Before I go to Sleep, which I loved.
Vicky Charles · 22/01/2016 at 21:17
I loved Before I Go To Sleep! This one is less sinister than that one though!