When you want to get a special cake for somebody, you can always count on Kroger. The Kroger cakes are known in the US for their interesting designs and their quality ingredients. There are a great variety of cakes you can order from Kroger. This is why we are going to provide a top 5 best Kroger cakes to order in 2018.
One of the best things about these types of cakes is that you can design them just the way you want. You can also select all of the ingredients and the size of the cake. There are also licensed cakes that you can order when you don’t want to get creative.
Birthday Cakes
Who doesn’t enjoy birthday cakes? Kroger offers a great variety of cakes for birthdays. Find out more about Kroger birthday cakes prices. These cakes contain cartoon characters that everybody knows and appreciates. There are more than 20 different designs that you can choose from when you purchase a birthday cake.
Birthday cakes are the ones that bring families together to celebrate the birthday boy or girl. These cakes are both high-quality and affordable at the same time. Your child will love them. Once you decided which design you and your kid like, you have to select the number of people who are going to attend. According to the size of the cake, the prices differ. Choose the best size for the party and enjoy the cake with your kid and your guests.
2. Wedding Cakes
In case you did not know, you can also get a Kroger wedding cake. We all know that your wedding cake needs to be special. This is why you need to leave the cake problem into the hand of Kroger. With their build-a-cake service, you can choose the design of the cake which suits you best.
You can select from a common design with white frosting and roses of different colors. If you want to get creative, build a more “exotic” cake that represent both you and your future husband. No matter what you pick, Kroger is going to make sure that the cake is ready.
3. Baby Shower Cakes
One of your friends has a baby on the way? It might be time to order a baby shower cake to make sure that you surprise them with a special gift. When organizing a perfect baby shower, you need to think about the food, especially the cake. You can choose between a licensed model on their website or build a cake yourself.
Some of their most appreciated designs include the Baby Special Delivery Stork and the Baby Blocks. If none of these designs appeal to you, consider to build a cake. Remember that a baby shower is not complete without this delicious and cute dessert.
4. Graduation Cakes
Another occasion to order a cake is the graduation of your children. This is special moment that you will all remember. There is not better way to remember a party than a great cake. For this occasion, you might want to build the cake yourself to be able to write a beautiful text on it. Select the flavor, the icing, and the cake type. After that just add a beautiful symbol or a text to make the graduation party stand out.
5. Dessert Cakes
Sometimes you don’t need a special occasion to order a cake. From time to time, all of us need to just enjoy a great cake. You can select the strawberry crunch cake if you are in a hurry or you don’t want to get creative.
If you want to make sure that the ingredients are great and that you enjoy your cake, you can also build the cake yourself. This way, you can choose from different flavors, icings, and cake type. Also, just for fun, you can add a symbol if you want to give the cake as a gift to your loved one. All of us deserve to eat cake once in a while.
Getting the best cake for a special occasion can be a tricky, especially if there is a large number of guests. The Kroger cakes are one of the best selections when it comes to cakes. Make sure to select the best cake for the occasion. In case you don’t like any of their licensed designs you can always build you own cake.
Image source 1: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/509047564107393160/
Image source 2: https://www.kroger.com/onlinedeli/servlet/en/delibakery/cakes/special-occasion-cakes/baby-blocks-baby-blocks
Image source 3: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/100697741648278510/