I love making homemade mincemeat, because it’s really easy to do – but everyone tends to be impressed when you make your own.
I love making this with S because it’s so easy and she can do most of it herself with a little supervision. None of the measurements need to be exact so it’s a great one to just let small people do for themselves without the need to intervene much.
You can also substitute different ingredients; I often use dried cranberries in place of currants or raisins, and will often leave out the almonds just in case someone has a nut allergy.

- 8oz Bramley apples, cored & finely chopped (no need to peel)
- 4oz shredded suet
- 6oz raisins
- 4oz sultanas
- 4oz currants
- 4oz mixed peel
- 6oz soft dark brown sugar
- zest & juice of one orange
- zest & juice of one lemon
- 1oz chopped almonds (optional)
- 2tsp ground mixed spice
- quarter teaspoon ground cinnamon
- pinch fresh nutmeg
- 3tbsp brandy
- Add everything except the brandy to a large, ovenproof bowl and mix well
- Cover with a clean cloth and leave for 12 hours
- Remove cloth, mix and place in oven on 120° for 3 hours. Stir every 30 minutes or so. I usually put my jam jars in the oven to sterilise at the same time.
- Remove from oven and leave to cool
- Once mixture has cooled, pour the brandy over it, mix and put into jars.
That’s it! I told you it was simple!
If you have a slow cooker you might prefer this recipe for slow cooker mincemeat.