Becoming a mother is one of the most joyous and overwhelming emotions. It completely transforms the life of a woman. There are several things that the mother needs to take care of during pregnancy, during the initial days of childbirth, and even later as the child continues to grow.
However, in recent times, the number of women having children is reducing. This is because of a variety of reasons. Some couples link it to overpopulation; some link it to personal medical and health conditions, and some don’t have enough knowledge and resources to take the next plunge. If you’re wanting to plan a baby but are not sure how and when you should do this, here’s some information that may come handy and help you with family planning:
When is the right time to have sex?
The most appropriate and effective time to have sex is when you are fertile, which is for a period of six days every month. Now, you must be wondering when does this period of six days start and end?! These six days are primarily the five days before your day of ovulation when the body releases an egg.
What happens to this egg?
The egg released by your body during ovulation lasts for one day. However, the sperm can survive for about a week, giving your sperm a six-day window to meet and interact with the egg.
Your chances of conceiving are higher if you have sexual intercourse a day or so around ovulation. But estimating the exact day of ovulation and the fertile window around it can be stressful. After all, planning pregnancy is not like planning a holiday. Therefore, it is recommended that you enjoy sex every two to three days without having it ruled by a calendar and the calculation of your ovulation period.

Focus on Pregnancy
If you are convinced and want to be precise, you can focus on when you will ovulate. The factors that ovulation is dependent on include:
- the duration of your menstrual cycle
- the regularity of your periods
The duration of the menstrual cycle can range between 21 days to 40 days, even though a healthy menstrual cycle is 28 days.
Irrespective of the length of your menstrual cycle, ovulation is expected to occur 14 days prior to your next period. If your periods are regular and you have a 28-day menstrual cycle, your ovulation day will be somewhere in the middle of your cycle. Women with shorter cycles tend to ovulate as soon as their period ends.
A lot of women have erratic menstrual cycles. This means that there is no fixed length and a difference of about seven days is noticed. If that is the case, your fertile window will also start and end at different times each month depending on the change in your period.
To conclude, it is suggested that you have sex every two to three days during your cycle. This way chances of conceiving are much higher as compared to a strict effort focused on calculating when you are about to ovulate next.