Looking for podcasts for kids? You’ve come to the right place!

I love podcasts; I wrote a post a while ago listing my favourites. Not long ago it occurred to me that S may also enjoy listening to podcasts… little did I know just how much she would enjoy them! Several times a day she’ll come out with some random piece of information, and when I ask where she’s learned that from she’ll say A podcast, obviously!
Here are some of S’s favourite podcasts for kids:
Wow in the World
This one seems to be a firm favourite at the moment; S sings along to the theme tune and learns all sorts of things about animals, space and more. She seems to really connect with the hosts and their way of presenting as well, telling me things they’ve said or done as if they’re her friends!
Story pirates
This one is such a brilliant idea. Children send in their stories, and the Story Pirates team turn them into a podcast episode. At the end of each episode they chat to the child who submitted the story about it. It’s US-based, and S has little clue as to the identities of the many special celebrity guests they have on there; I think she just loves to hear the huge variety of different stories available.
BBC 500 Words Bedtime Stories
Another podcast based on stories sent in by children! These are from stories submitted to the BBC 500 Words competition, and the podcast is hosted by children’s favourites Dick and Dom. S began listening to this podcast long before she ever entered the competition, and it really inspires her. She often goes off to write her own stories after listening to an episode. Plus, Dick and Dom are suitably silly for children to love what they get up to!
What If World
This is another podcast featuring input from the audience. Children send in their “what if?” questions, and each week the presenter chooses one and turns it into a story. Recent episodes include What if there was such a thing as magic shoes? and What if dinosaurs were alive today? There is also a collaboration episode, What if Story Pirates came into What If World? which is pretty cool.
Ahway Island
My original reason for downloading podcasts for S was to find relaxing bedtime meditations and stories for S to help her get to sleep. We have Ahway Island and Peace Out, but S informs me that she prefers Ahway Island because it has actual stories, whereas Peace Out seems to be more guided visualisations and breathing exercises. The great thing is that between the two, she rarely listens to the same thing twice – and they are a nice way to wind down to sleep at night.