
Wow, I’ve not done a weekly weigh in for a few weeks. I fell completely off any sort of wagon, and was thoroughly fed up. I felt like there was no point in just posting a blog each week where I chronicled my poor diet, lack of exercise and weight gain. But last week, something changed…

Goal for last week

Until last week, I had no goals, no motivation to lose weight. Sugar had crept into my diet… or rather, it had stomped back in and made its presence well and truly known. I had been busy, busy, busy for so long I’d not done any exercise, and had no motivation to do any either. There were no goals! Then something changed, which I will write about in a separate blog as it’s a fairly long story. The result though, was that last week I ate no chocolate. I cut my sugar intake right back without trying; I ate 3 meals on most days, and most of those were healthy.

Goal for this week

My goal for this week is to keep it up! I feel like I’ve had a great week, and I know I need to work on my motivation to keep going with it.


This week I started doing PiYo exercise. I’m going to do a review of it when I’ve been doing it for longer than a month, but right now I’m loving it – and I do feel a difference already.


My diet has changed dramatically, and I’ve been working on my water intake. I’ve also started doing Melissa McAllister’s 8 Hour Ab Diet which sounds a lot more scary than it actually is. So far, so good.

Weight & Measurements

Weight: 165lb.Last week: 167lb. 1.4lb down
Bust: 37.5″ Last week: 38.5″ – 1″ down
R Arm: 12.5″ same as last week
L Arm: 12.5″ same as last week
Waist: 34.5″ Last week: 35.5″ 1″ down
Hips: 39.5″ Last week: 40″ 0.5% down
R Thigh: 23″ Last week: 24″ 1″ doWn
L Thigh: 23″ Last week: 24″ 1″ down

So this week I’ve lost 1.4lb, but more importantly, 4.5 inches. That’s absolutely bonkers, considering for the last month I’ve been mainly living on Crunchie ice creams and peanut butter Kit Kats. I’ve a fair amount of weight left to lose, but I feel more positive and motivated than I have for a long while so I’m feeling quietly optimistic.

Weeky Weigh In #1 (1)


The Musing Housewife




Vicky Charles

Vicky is a single mother, writer and card reader.


Sam Kersley · 12/08/2015 at 09:58

Well done. It is always hard to keep motivated and even harder to get back on the wagon but by the sounds of it your coming back fighting so to speak. The loss is fantastic.

Sim @ Sims Life · 12/08/2015 at 11:40

Woah that is impressive inch loss and weight loss too – we know at this stage how hard it is to lose weight!! ;)
The healthy square meals 3 times a day will be doing you the world of good – as will the no chocolate. Melissa McAllister’s 8 Hour Ab Diet sounds interesting, look forward to hearing more about it. Really do need to start working hard on my core now.
Lovely to have you back chick!! Sim #WeightLossWednesday xx

Hannah Budding Smiles · 14/08/2015 at 11:49

Yay! So glad to have you back and well done for making such amazing changes so quickly! I think your head needs to be totally in it for these things to work and it sounds like your is now, good luck! Thanks for linking with #BloggingToJogging xx

    Vicky Charles · 14/08/2015 at 21:43

    Thanks Hannah. It’s definitely about my head more than anything else!

Mrs TeePot · 15/08/2015 at 13:43

High 5 to you for making the change, setting goals and going for it! Huge well done!

    Vicky Charles · 15/08/2015 at 16:37

    Thanks! I’m doing my best to keep it up!

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