When I had a breakdown in 2010, I wasn’t honest – not with myself, and definitely not with the people around me. I didn’t  really understand that I was depressed; it felt more like something had snapped irreparably deep inside of my head, and I tried my best to hide that from everyone around me – until I got to the point where I could no longer hide it, and I scared a fair few people.

Since then, I have been more vigilant about my mental health, determined to never end up back there again. Last week, after a couple of weeks of feeling progressively more rubbish and less able to stop eating chocolate, it dawned on me: I’m depressed.

It’s not that I necessarily feel sad so much as I just don’t feel much of anything right now. Just fed up. And sleepy. I feel like I’m trying to drag myself around with a ten tonne weight on my back or something. Moving at high altitude, where there’s not quite enough oxygen to let me move how I always used to.

daffodils salisbury arts centre

The last time this happened, there was a certain amount of irresponsibility about it; I let it happen, like an experiment: I wonder what would happen if I just kept drinking/stopped eating/didn’t ever speak to anyone again/died. I’ve written before about how I didn’t really want to get better, and that was part of the problem. I had the luxury of having no real responsibilities, and a very understanding employer who let me have a lot of time off on full pay, so that I didn’t have to worry about going back to work in order to pay the bills. It was just me, on my own, in my house with a bottle of vodka. 

I stumbled out of that void two years later, with many scars both mental and physical. Not to mention the violent, abusive ex and the premature baby. Like a dazed hero in a movie who’s not quite sure how they ended up surviving, but they’re glad they did.

This time around then, I have none of those luxuries. I have a child who depends on me not only for food and safety but for emotional support. Smiles and cuddles and love. I have a house we’ve only just moved into, and I’m self employed which means if I let my clients down we’re both in deep trouble. I’ll be honest: that side of it is probably adding to my stress levels, as I panic about the fact I’m not able to concentrate on anything for more than a couple of minutes, but I still have to get work done for clients or I won’t get paid. 

People always tell you to ask for help when you’re struggling. The problem is that I don’t necessarily feel there’s anyone I could ask. And also that I don’t even know how they could help. I can’t ask people for help with S because, to be perfectly honest, I’m ok when she’s here. I can hold myself together, and she is a brilliant distraction from my thoughts. The problems come when she’s at school, or in bed asleep. There’s nothing to occupy my mind, so it goes off on those random rambling trips where all the bad things happen at once. I can’t ask people to help with my work because how can I take payment from clients for work and keep it, not pass it on to the person who’s done the work? I can’t ask someone to come round and clean my house because well, I’m not completely shameless just yet.

The problem with depression is that it’s not a thing. It’s not a burn or a graze or a broken bone or a burst appendix. You can’t see it; you can’t really explain it; it’s not caused by something in particular. It’s probably more the lack of a thing really. It’s the lack of ability to give a shit. The lack of concentration, the lack of self control, the lack of self love or even basic self care. 

martin luther king quote

I decided this week to treat it as if it’s an actual thing rather than a non-thing. If I had a broken leg or an ear infection, what would I do? I’d give myself a break. I’d tell people about it in the hope they would be a bit understanding if I’m hard to contact or don’t do things when I say I will. I would be honest; nobody tries to hide a broken leg or an ear infection. 

And I’d take better care of myself. You rest a broken bone; you care for an ear infection. You put a plaster on a cut. I’m not going to the GP because I don’t want medication, and I don’t want any more of their pointless talking therapy (for those who don’t know, here’s what happened last time I went to a counsellor).

So what can I do, then?

I can give myself time off whenever possible; cut back to the bare minimum, and not waste precious energy and concentration on things that don’t matter.

I can take a bath in the evenings instead of watching TV without any of it really going in. I can stop eating chocolate for every meal and start eating more healthily. I can take the supplements I know help with my mental health. I can listen to the music that brings me joy.

I can do things like treating myself to a hair cut (did you see it?) I can cuddle my daughter and take her to the park when really I feel like hiding under the duvet. I can dance with her to her favourite songs, and I can say yes to days out with her when I really don’t feel like it.

I can plod.

I can be kind to myself, and I can be honest with myself and with those around me. Honestly, I’m depressed right now. But it won’t be forever. 

I might not be as responsive or sociable, on social media or in person for a while but I do appreciate the tweets and messages people have sent lately. It means a lot. 

Vicky Charles

Vicky is a single mother, writer and card reader.


Kim Carberry · 29/03/2017 at 12:20

Sending love and hugs. It won’t be forever….I hope things are better for you soon.
Being kind and taking some time for yourself sounds like a great idea.
Thinking of you x

Richard Mackay · 29/03/2017 at 12:56

Aw, Vicky.
Sending lots of hugs and positive thoughts to you.
I know only too well where you are right now and know that there is no finer person for getting through this.
You’ve got a great record of getting through this.
Only a DM away if you need to talk.
Hugs. xx

Gillian Brewster · 30/03/2017 at 03:34

I’m depressed, my cause is chronic illness and not being able to function like a normal person ( I’m writing this at 330am).
Ive done counselling, psychologists and start group therapy shortly. I’ve just started medication.
I never understood depression before this, not really.
I read you post and can totally understand all of it until you get to the way your coping this time. I admire your strength and resolve in knowing you will feel better in time. Maybe I have a long way to go, but thank you for sharing your journey. So I send my love and best wishes with great respect to you.
Love Gillian

Eva Swain · 30/03/2017 at 04:54

Sending you my love and hugs, Just relax, do what you want to do and treat yourself right, Vicky, We are in spring, the happiest season right? I know that you can get better soon.

Leo Tat · 01/04/2017 at 22:52

Vicky, my brother has had depression twice and so has my sister. My brother got better with time and releasing his thoughts with us. My sister had postnatal depression twice. Talking it out didn’t work with her, and she got better with medication. But she only took them for around 2-3 weeks and stopped as soon as she got better. We all deal with depression in different ways.

I have one recommendation though. Please read ‘New Earth’ book by Eckhart Tolle. It talks about the being present and stepping out of ‘our life story’. It was when he was extremely depressed that he finally reached a tranquil mind.

    Vicky Charles · 04/04/2017 at 10:29

    Thank you Leo, I’ve ordered a copy of that book!

Alanta · 03/04/2017 at 05:30

Sending love and hugs! hope things are better for you soon. Fighting Vicky!

Pen · 26/04/2017 at 00:33

Hi Vicky, I am really sorry to hear about your depression. I have been reading, thinking and listening to a lot about depression recently because my sister has been diagnosed with severe pnd and anxiety and is now in a mother and baby unit, it is really really tough.

There is an excellent podcast I’d recommend. Search for Mad World by Bryony Gordon. First she interviewed Prince Harry, but this week she did a fantastic interview with Mandy Stevens, formerly an NHS director of mental health who has just come out from 12 weeks in hospital with severe depression and anxiety. Her descriptions of her condition are hard to listen to but her really thorough recovery plan has some really good things in it (meditation, exercise, compassionate self care, cbt exercises). She also gives some really good tips on how to ground yourself in a panic attack. I can’t recommend it enough.

Take care of yourself Vicky and good luck.

Pen x

Ruth Daly · 27/05/2017 at 16:05

As I was reading this, I kept thinking ‘This is so beautiful’ – not the depression, of course, but your honesty in writing about it and describing it so well. You’re right about so many things and I don’t think anyone can really understand unless they’ve been through it; ‘reaching out’ for help is one of the toughest things to do.

Sending you good wishes and as you said, be kind to yourself.

    Vicky Charles · 29/05/2017 at 11:07

    Thanks Ruth, that’s a lovely thing to say.

Kit · 05/01/2019 at 13:03

Great blog post. Really hit home.

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