This week (after a vote on Facebook) we are using the Kyle Gray Angel Prayers oracle card deck. This is my newest deck of cards and I’m not sure yet how I get on with them so it will be interesting to hear how people get on with this week’s reading.
Here’s how this works: take a deep breath and calm your thoughts. Look at the image below and decide which card (or cards) you are drawn to. I usually just pick one, but it’s ok to pick two – or even more if you feel like it! Once you’ve chosen your card, scroll down and take a look at the photo and write-up to see which your card was, and what it means.
If you would like a personalised reading, I am offering these for free until the end of July. Just email your request to – and let me know if you’d like a general reading or if you have a particular question in mind.
Next week’s reading will be with a different deck of cards; keep an eye out on Facebook for a poll as to which one I should use!
Dont’ forget to leave a comment either here or on Facebook and let me know how you get on!
Here are this week’s cards:
1. Shine Your Light: Archangel Uriel
Thank you Uriel for helping me to share my light with the world.
You have special gifts and talents that have been hidden from the world, perhaps from you too. This card is here to tell you it’s time to shine your light, to show your true self to the world – perhaps also to yourself? Whatever has been hiding can be a transforming and healing light to those around you as well as to yourself. If you’re not sure what this card means to you, spend a little time getting to know yourself and finding out what you’re good at, and then sharing that with the world.
2. Earth Angel
Thank you angels for inspiring me to be more like you.
An earth angel is someone who has come to this world to serve a higher purpose, and this card has come to let you know you may be one. The angels want you to take some time to appreciate yourself and your gifts and how you have helped others. If you’ve been thinking about your career or what you should do next in life, maybe turn it around and instead think about how you can be of service to others. Earth angels are sent here to help the world in some way, however small or large. Focus on doing what lights you up and you won’t go far wrong.
3. The miracle of prayer: Archangel Sandalphon
Thank you Sandalphon for delivering my prayers to heaven.
If you’ve been praying for something lately, this card is here to let you know your prayers have been received. You don’t need to ask for help, so much as to learn to accept it when it comes – even if when it comes, it is not necessarily in the format you were expecting or hoping for. Help is help, and if you accept it you will find that your prayers have been answered after all. Instead of asking for help, turn it around and be grateful for what you already have, and say thank you for the help you know is already on its way.
4. Speak your truth: Archangel Gabriel
Thank you Gabriel for helping me to speak with integrity.
This card is about being true to yourself, and saying and doing things that align with who you truly are rather than who you think you should be, or who you think other people think you are or should be. It’s ok if you’re not quite sure who you are, or what your particular truth is; focus on the things that make you feel good in an intuitive sense, rather than an ego sense, and go from there. The more you speak your truth with honesty and integrity, the more you will learn about who you are and what is best for you.