Welcome to this monthly card reading for September, using the Daily Guidance from your Angels oracle deck.
Here’s how this works: take a deep breath and calm your thoughts. If you have a specific question, hold it in your mind as you look at the image below, and choose the card or cards you feel most drawn to. Once you’ve chosen your card, scroll down to take a look at your reading.

Don’t forget to please leave a comment either here or on Facebook (or you can send me a private message if you prefer) to let me know how you get on. I really appreciate your feedback as it helps me to know not only that you’ve read the post, but also that you have found it useful and want me to continue with these readings.
Here are this months cards:

Joy is the highest energy of all. It’s the magical sense that everything is possible. Joy springs from appreciating the gifts within each moment. Joy allows you to attract and create your present and future moments at their highest possible levels.
Whatever you are doing, try always to find joy in the moment. There is joy to be found in any given situation; the trick is in identifying it, and holding it in your heart while others may expect a different reaction from you. Those who are able to do this are happier, more fulfilled and connected to a higher power. Joy will help you to create the life you desire.
2. Listen
Quiet your mind, Beloved One, and listen to our gentle reassurance that everything has been taken care of. Stay in a quiet and receptive state, without worrying about the exact nature of your desire’s manifestation. A quiet ind and body hears us quickly and clearly. This is our request to you: Listen
So often we ask a question, but we don’t wait to hear the answer. Your intuition is always communicating with you, but do you really hear it? Quiet your mind and allow that intuitive voice inside of you to speak. Listen to what it has to say. The truth may be uncomfortable, but it is better to hear it and act on it now, than to ignore it and hope it changes.
3. Have confidence
Moving forward does not necessarily require you to have confidence in yourself. Confidence in God is enough, along with knowing that God works through you and with you in all ways. Lean upon us if your confidence wavers, and we will buoy your courage and faith.
Whatever is worrying, know that you have this covered. You have support around you, but you can do this without help if needed. Have confidence that you are strong enough and smart enough to do this, and to do it well. Take a deep breath and take that scary first step; the rest won’t be so scary after that.
4. Law of Attraction
Each thought is an investment that pays immediate dividends, so invest wisely. You have the power to choose your thoughts and align them with love, peace and harmony. At your request, we will gladly attune your energies to higher frequencies.
The Law of Attraction is always working, whether you are conscious of it or not. Better then to use it to your advantage. In order to attract that which you truly desire you must first align your frequency. Choose a higher thought; feel love and peace and focus on what you desire. Be sure that this is what your soul desires, rather than a wanting from your ego. You can manifest whatever your soul desires – but you can also manifest that which you do not want, if you continue to dwell upon it. Choose your thoughts carefully!
Get your personalised reading here
September Thoughts
September is traditionally the time we go back to school, back to work, and refocus our minds on work and achievement. We are in the middle of a triad of super moons, so the highly charged energy of the moon will last throughout September. Use this to your advantage by really getting clear on what you want. You may find that you are more sensitive and intuitive during this time; you may also feel more emotional as the moon wields its influence.
During supermoon energy we may often feel confused and end up either pulling people close to us or rejecting them completely. Aim for balance, but allow the energy to help you in clearing out that which does not serve you. You may feel a strong desire to get in touch with those you have not seen for a long while
This moon is likely to bring unpredictable energy to our lives – remember that everything that happens, happens for your ultimate highest good. Things may feel confusing and chaotic but ultimately it is for the best.
Pay close attention to how you are feeling this month. Be mindful, and also try to notice when you are avoiding your feelings by scrolling through social or otherwise attempting to distract yourself. This might feel like the better option in the moment, but is never the best in the longer term.