Welcome to this monthly card reading for August, using the Work Your Light oracle card deck.

Here’s how this works: take a deep breath and calm your thoughts. If you have a specific question, hold it in your mind as you look at the image below, and choose the card or cards you feel most drawn to. Once you’ve chosen your card, scroll down to take a look at your reading.

Don’t forget to please leave a comment either here or on Facebook (or you can send me a private message if you prefer) to let me know how you get on. I really appreciate your feedback as it helps me to know not only that you’ve read the post, but also that you have found it useful and want me to continue with these readings.

Here are this months cards:


1.Align your life


What is no longer in alignment with who you truly are?

This is an inquiry card, asking you to take a look at your life, and the things around you. Eclipse season ends on July 31st, a time for letting go of that which is no longer in alignment with you. Is there something you have been thinking you should let go, but havent quite released just yet? This card is here to remind you that you can let it go. Let go of the person you were, and embrace who you are. You have changed and grown so much; step into this, and throw off that which is no longer a part of that.

2. The great gathering

Its all coming together. Intuitive hits. Soul tribe.

This is an activation card, sent to trigger something in you. Allow your intuition to move you, to guide your way. You are being called to connect with like minded people, to form a tribe or group. You can do this by allowing yourself to be truly seen. Take a deep breath and reveal your true self; the right people will be drawn to this.

3. Break the chain

Ancestral patterns. Healing. Rewriting the future.

This is an action card, calling you to take action in some way. Trauma can be carried down through generations, but it is time to break the chain and prevent it going any further. Family patterns and habits can be hard to break because in many cases this is all we have known. Take some time to consider what family patterns are not in alignment with who you know yourself to be. Can you break the chain and release yourself from its bonds? Look at your life and decide how you want it to be. Release those old patterns that no longer serve you.

4. Leap


You go first. The Universe will catch you.

This is an action card, inviting you to take a leap into the unknown. Once you take the first step, the path will appear before you. The Universe will always catch you, but first you must leap. If you have been waiting for a sign that now is the right time to make a change, this card is your sign. Make the leap. Let go and jump!

August Thoughts

All of this months card seem to have a theme of letting go of the things that dont serve us, and moving forward into a new life. This is very apt, since weve just come through an eclipse where the theme was very much a releasing and letting go. With the new moon on July 31st now is the time to set intentions for the month ahead. What do you want to achieve? Where do you want to be in a months time? Its time to move forward.

Note: all card readings are now available on Vicky C Ahoy.

Vicky Charles

Vicky is a single mother, writer and card reader.

1 Comment

Jeanette Nyman · 02/08/2019 at 13:59

Thank you for the reading! The card that came up for me was Break the chain. It’s the second time this week that I’ve received that message. I just wish that I knew as clearly what to do about it.

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