Welcome to this week’s card reading, which is mixed using four different decks.
Here’s how this works: take a deep breath and calm your thoughts. Look at the image below; if you have a specific question hold it in your mind as you decide which card (or cards) you are drawn to. I usually just pick one, but it’s ok to pick two – or even more if you feel like it! Once you’ve chosen your card, scroll down and take a look at the photo and write-up to see which your card was, and what it means.
Next week’s reading could be with a different deck of cards; keep an eye out on Facebook for a poll as to which one I should use.
Dont’ forget to leave a comment either here or on Facebook and let me know how you get on. I find comments useful not only to see that people have actually read the post but also that you’ve found it useful and want me to keep doing them.
Here are this week’s cards:
- Reward Yourself
You’ve been giving a lot of yourself lately, and it’s time for you to receive. Make the time to reward yourself in a meaningful way. This balance of giving and receiving is essential to keeping your energy, mood and motivation at a consistently high level.
It is not selfish to take time out for yourself; in fact, it is important to do so. You must be selfish and put yourself first, after all you cannot pour from an empty cup. This card is all about self care which is an important thing that many of us overlook while we are busy serving others.
This week, try to do something every day that is just for you, taking care of yourself. That could be leaving the washing up for the morning so that you can relax and read a book, or it could be saying no to something at work so that you’re not over stressed during the first week of the school term. Take care of yourself first,and you will be in a better position to take care of others. - Yes
There’s not a great deal that can be said about this card! Whatever it is you have been wondering about, the answer is yes. If you don’t have a particular question in mind, this could refer to your life in general – to saying yes when you are offered something or asked to do something. Or to fostering a more positive outlook in general.
This week, experiment with saying yes more, and see where it leads you. Aim to have a more positive outlook in general and see how it affects every aspect of your life. Each night before going to sleep, make a note in your journal of three positive things about your day. This might include the weather, seeing a friend or just that you got up on time. Try to make it three different things each day – and notice how your mood is lifted by this over time. - Innocence
Your soul longs to celebrate and have fun. The fairies urge you to call your friends for a get-together or an evening out.When was the last time you kicked up your heels and really had some fun? This card is asking you to find something to celebrate – and celebrate it! Something in you is longing for an exciting adventure – that could be a night out with friends or a weekend away. Something out of the norm which will allow your soul to kick back and take in the beauty of the world. We often put these things off, believing that we can’t afford to do fun things – but I think you can probably find a way to do something, even on a tight budget.
This week, find something worth celebrating and then book in time to do just that. Be selfish for once and book an event or activity just for yourself. You deserve to have a treat and this needn’t be something that costs you a lot of money or even takes up a lot of time. - Peace and Harmony – Archangel Raguel
Thank you Raguel for surroundingmeina harmonious light.
Has your life been lacking in harmony lately? This card is here to tell you that the angels have your back! As with so many things in this life, if you will just ask for help the angels – including Archangel Raguel – will come to your aid, with a wave of harmonious and peaceful light washing over you and your life.
If you are dealing with conflict in your life right now, rest assured that you are not alone, and a peaceful resolution is on its way to you. Whatever is worrying you, take some time in silence surrender your concerns to the angels and they will take care of this for you. Remember that this doesn’t necessarily mean you will get the outcome that your ego desires; rather the outcome will be for your best and highest good.
This week, take time out to connect with your angels and spirit guides, and ask them to bring more peace and harmony to your life. Speak directly to Archangel Raguel, whose name means “Friend of God.” He is the angel of harmony and will help you if you ask.