The world is a wonderful place, but you’d be hard-pressed to call it relaxing. With rising costs, global instability, and a host of other problems, many of us are walking around with higher-than-average stress levels.

And while that might seem OK, it does have a negative ripple effect. It makes it more difficult for us to be our best selves, and if the world is going to improve, then we all need to be our best selves. 

Happily, relaxation is within grasp by incorporating a few simple steps into your routine. Let’s take a look at what they are.

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Spend Time In Nature

City life is fun and convenient, but, as with life itself, it’s pretty stressful. In fact, you can probably make a connection between the number of people who experience stress and the number of people who now live in urban areas. While you might prefer to live in a city over living in a rural area, it’s still recommended to head into nature on a regular basis. Studies have shown that spending time in the great outdoors can do wonders for your mental health. Plus, it’s good for your physical health, too. 

Look At What You Consume

We don’t often think about it, but what we consume can have an impact on our mental well-being. For example, if you drink alcohol multiple times a week, then you’ll find it more difficult to be in a relaxed state. The same goes for coffee, which is great for feeling alert but is not so good when you want to unwind. So what is good for relaxation? CBD products like those available from CBDistillery have long been noted to help people relax, as have certain types of tea. Just by making subtle changes to what you consume, you might find that you can significantly boost your relaxation credentials. 

Yoga and Breathwork

If you ever speak to people who regularly practice yoga and breathwork, you’ll have noticed something: they all seem pretty relaxed. And it’s far from just a placebo: science has shown that these types of activities really do de-stress the body. Don’t worry if you’ve never practiced yoga, meditation, or breathwork before — they’re a lot easier to do than you might imagine. Plus, there are plenty of free YouTube tutorials online, so you can get started from the comfort of your own home. Make it a daily practice, and within weeks you’ll notice that you’re calmer and more relaxed than ever before. 

Give Yourself Time and Space to Relax

Finally, remember that it’s important to actively set time aside for relaxation. Life can get pretty fast from time to time, and before you know it, you might find that it has been weeks since you actually slowed down and just relaxed. Rather than waiting for these occasions to come up naturally, make a commitment. For instance, you might decide to make no plans for Sunday afternoon other than lying on the couch and reading a book. If you don’t make relaxation a priority, then who will?

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